Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sound FXs

Through my quest to find, and replace the various sounds of NEXIUZ, I've mainly been using the site
I'm not completely certain how to go about displaying the sounds that I found; that said, I'll merely post links to a few of the sounds that I have located.
 The vast majority of the sounds I located, I went loaded them into Audacity and shortened the duration it was played, cut the portion that I wanted, and changed the pitch of the sound.

The sound for the Weather:

a few bullet shells:

Sound of Thunder:

I'm not certain if I was suppose to give 3 or 4 sounds...
the fourth example I planned to give, was merely a voice recording I did, to replace one of the "announcer" files.....  I'm not completely certain if I will still use them... other than the initial "welcome" The vocals don't instill the same "feeling",  compared to the original one

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Final Fantasy Cutscenes

Cut scenes are just one of the many aspects of video games that make everything all worth wild. It's merely a small portion of the game that the player can sit back and watch the story progress on its own... It usually appears after a milestone or important happening, occurs within the game; like in Final Fantasy X, and many other games. Usually the cut scene will flow with the art style, and particularly make it 2-5 x better than what it is like while in Game-play. It always helps to move the story along, in portions where distinct gameplay just isn't required. There are a lot of cutscenes throughout this game; the video below contains several of the high quality cutscenes displayed throughout the game.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Hedgehog Engine

Hedgehog engine; Yes, Hedgehog engine, I wanted to look twice, because I don't usually look for game engines. This engine was created by the "Sonic Team"; as we can guess, if not only by the name of the engine, it was made for the Sonic games: Sonic Unleashed and Sonic Generations, for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. it was created in 2005; it's purpose, high quality rendering of its graphics during high speeds...